SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '09
with Educational Workshop on Memory
September 26-29 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Travel grant application

The organizers are able to provide a small number of travel grants for students and junior scientists from Central and Eastern Europe and other less privileged regions to take part as the active participant at the conference. Please, enter in the form below your basic information, and two acompanying documents: an application letter and a recommendation letter from your mentor / supervisor. The application letter should provide a short explanation why you wish to participate at the SNC'09 and why you think you are eligible for financial support. The letter should also include your curriculum vitae with bibliography. The due date for travel grant applications is July 15th, 2009. Travel grant awards will be announced by August 1st, 2009.

Please, note: in case you are awarded a travel stipend, it will be provided as an reimbursement of your travel expenses upon submission of your economy travel ticket and receipts at or after the conference itself. No advances before the conference will be provided. The highest amount for reimbursement is 400 Euro.

After filling the form please press the "Submit" button just once. If the submission has been successful, a confirmation note will be displayed. Please take into account that depending on the speed of your internet connection and size of the attachment the submission itself can take up to a couple of minutes. If you encounter any difficulty in the process of submission, please, refrain from multiple attempts. Send a note describing the problem to and we will resolve it at the earliest possible time. Please, submit your curriculum vitae and recommendation as two separate PDF, RTF or MS Word files!

Travel grant application form

Birth date:
Study level:
Field of study:
Contact e-mail:
Application letter:
Letter of recommendation:

Upon successful submission of the travel grant application, the applicant receives an automatic confirmation e-mail. If you do not receive such an e-mail, please, resubmit or notify the organizers.

Last update: June 23rd 2009.

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