SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '09
with Educational Workshop on Memory
September 26-29 2009, Ljubljana, Slovenia


Educational Workshop on Memory

About Workshop

The conference will be accompanied by a full day Educational Workshop on Memory that will take place on Sunday, September 27th. The Workshop is primarily designed for psychiatry and neurology residents and clinical psychologists in training, but undergraduate students of medicine and psychology, and other students and interested professionals are welcome to attend. The official language of the Workshop is English.

The Workshop will cover a wide array of topics related to memory including theoretical bases, research endeavors, overview of disorders affecting memory and clinical diagnostic.

Registration fee for the Workshop will be covered by Conference registration fee, however participants need to register for the Workshop separately on-line by September 1st, 2009. For those attending the Workshop only, a daily attendance fee of 30 EUR applies. In the case that the interest in the Workshop exceeds available space, applicants that registered first and those with awarded travel grants will be given priority. Confirmation letters will be sent by September 10th, 2009.

A number of travel grants will be awarded to students and young residents coming from underprivileged regions in Europe and beyond. The grants will contribute towards economy travel and budget accomodation in Ljubljana, and will consist of reimbursement of actual expenses upon submission of the original travel ticket and relevant receipts. To apply for a travel grant, please use the form to justify your application and attach your CV and a recommendation letter from your mentor/supervisor. The deadline for travel grant applications is July 15th, 2009. Travel grant awards will be announced by August 1st, 2009.

Conference and Workshop Schedule-at-a-glance.

Workshop Programme

08:00   Registration
08:30   Session I: Introduction to memory
08:30   Introduction to memory
Grega Repovš, Department of Psychology, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia
09:00   Episodic memory
Charan Ranganath, Center for Neuroscience & Department of Psychology, University of California at Davis, USA
09:30   Working memory and executive functions
Adrian M. Owen, Medical Research Council Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, Cambridge, UK
10:00   Emotional memory: Looking backward to looking forward
Dean Mobbs, MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, University of Cambridge, UK
12:00   Buffet lunch by the posters
14:30   Session II: Assessing memory & memory dysfunction
14:30   Memory in a clinical setting: Neuroscience methods
Saša Filipović, Institute for Medical Research, Beograd, Serbia
14:55   Memory in a clinical setting: Bedside testing
Elka Stefanova, Institute of Neurology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Beograd, Serbia
15:20   Memory in a clinical setting: Neuropsychological assessment
Vita Štukovnik, Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
15:45   Memory dysfunction in psychiatric disorders
Aleš Kogoj, University Psychiatric Hospital Ljubljana, Slovenia
16:10   Memory dysfunction in neurological disorders
Milica Gregorič Kramberger, Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
17:00   Session III: Clinical cases
17:00   A paradigmatic case: H. M.
Jure Bon, Psychiatric Hospital Begunje, Slovenia
17:20   Interactive case reports
Barbara Starovasnik, Dejan Georgiev, Aleš Kogoj
18:30   A paradigmatic case: Auguste D.
Zvezdan Pirtošek, Department of Neurology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Slovenia
19:00   Closing of the workshop

Last update: August 22nd 2009.

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