International Summer School “Multiscale Molecular Simulation for Neurological Targets” in Slovenia

SiNAPSA | 14. 6. 2018

Dear all,

National Institute of Chemistry is organizing one day International Summer School titled:“Multiscale Molecular Simulation for Neurological Targets”.

The aim of the summer school is to give an overview of some of the in silico tools that are applicable to neurological targets. You will learn how to perform molecular dynamics simulation of proteins in complex environments, how to calculate the binding free energy of an enzyme inhibitor by molecular docking and how to calculate the rate constant of an enzymatic reaction by multiscale molecular simulation.

Time: June 20, 2015, starting at 10am
Venue: National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, (large lecture room)
Participants: MS Students, PhD Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, researchers, interested in neuroscience, biophysics, drug design and computational (bio)chemistry
Organizer: Janez Mavri, e-mail: [email protected]

Summer School is Free of Charge.

For more information please have a look at the attached file, check the following link and registration.

Kind regards,


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