Čuječnost v znanosti - The State of Mindfulness Science

Društvo za razvijanje čuječnosti | 10. 9. 2018

Toplo vabljeni na javni pogovor z dr. Claire Petitmengin, raziskovalko doživljanja, kognitivno znanstvenico in dolgoletno praktikantko čuječnosti.

O čuječnosti v znanosti se bomo pogovarjali v torek, 25. septembra 2018, ob 19:30 v Kosovelovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma. Pogovor bo vodil dr. Urban Kordeš, profesor kognitivne znanosti in prvoosebnega raziskovanja na Univerzi v Ljubljani.

Pogovor bo potekal v angleščini. Več informacij lahko najdete na pripetem linku.

Lep pozdrav,
Društvo za razvijanje čuječnosti

Dear all,

Mindfulness Development Association has invited prof. Claire Petitmengin to give a talk about Mindfulness.

Claire Petitmengin, after studies in Buddhist philosophy and then ten years of consulting and research in information systems design, completed her PhD thesis under the direction of Francisco Varela at the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris, on the subject of the lived experience which accompanies the emergence of an intuition. She is currently Professor Emerita at the Institut Mines-Télécom and member of the Archives Husserl (Ecole Normale Supérieure) in Paris. Her research focuses on the usually unrecognized micro-dynamics of lived experience and micro-phenomenological methods enabling us to become aware of it and describe it. She studies the epistemological conditions of these methods, their educational, therapeutic, artistic and contemplative applications, and the philosophical consequences of these empirical investigations.

Time: September 25, 2018, 19.30
Venue: Cankarjev dom - the Culture of all Arts (Kosovel Hall (KD))
Discussion moderator:
dr. Urban Kordeš, professor of Cognitive Science and first-person research at the University of Ljubljana where he is currently serving as head of the Cognitive Science program.

The talk will be given in English.

For more information please check the following link.

Kind regards,
Mindfulness Development Association

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