SiNAPSA, Slovenian Association for Neuroscience
SiNAPSA, Slovenian Neuroscience Association, was constituted at the end of July 2003 with the intent of basic researchers and clinical experts who deal with the nervous system, to enhance professional contacts, facilitate collaborations and encourage multidisciplinary projects within Slovenian neuroscience. This intent is based on the notion that understanding of nervous system working in health and disease originates in knowledge generated by various scientific disciplines from genetics and molecular neurobiology to clinical neurology, psychiatry and psychology. Contacts between experts from various neuroscientific disciplines, using different methodologies forms the basis for generating a comprehensive idea of nervous system functioning from the cellular communication level to higher cognitive functions.
A further role played by the newly formed national association is to represent the Slovenian neuroscience in an organized fashion to the outside world and to be a link connecting Slovenian neuroscientists working abroad. Soon after formation SiNAPSA submitted an application for membership to the International Brain Research Organization, IBRO, which promptly responded by granting us full corporate membership. An application for membership had been submitted also to the Federation of European Neuroscience Societies, FENS. Membership in these organizations means a voting right, a possibility to participate in shaping their programs and goals, as well as equal participation in projects of both organizations. Our participation has begun with the current project of the Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory Summer School, which SiNAPSA plans to host at Bled in July 2004, and which will be supported by IBRO and FENS.
Further goals of SiNAPSA include advancement of neuroscience education and public awareness of the nervous system function in health and disease. In March 2004 we plan to carry out the first Slovenian Brain Awareness Week (BAW) entailing various activities intended to stimulate public awareness of the brain. The key topic planned for the first BAW in 2004 is stroke.
We invite all scientists and experts with interest in neuroscience, who would wish to actively participate in shaping the SiNAPSA program of work and its implementation, to join us. We also welcome students who are interested in neuroscience and wish to contribute to its development. We also extend our welcome to all those visitors of the SiNAPSA pages who wish to follow the developments in Slovenian neuroscience by visiting this site.
Maja Bresjanac