Event | 1. 12. 2004
General assembly of SiNAPSA
please, see the above announcement
Announcement | 1. 12. 2004
General assembly of SiNAPSA
On December 2nd, there will be the 2nd SiNAPSA General Assembly.
The short program of the assembly will start by awarding Prof. Dr. Andrej O. Župančič with an Honorary Member of SiNAPSA Award. Prof. Župančič will give a short introductory presentation which will be followed by a regular assembly agenda:
- reports of the Management Board, Treasurer and Project Group leaders on the work in 2004
- plan of work in 2005
- other business
Event | 9. 10. 2004
Lecture on the influence of affect on cognitive functions
SiNAPSA announces a lecture by Miha Kočevar "Influences of provoked emotions on cognitive functions", which will take place on October 19th, at 3 p.m., in the wooden lecture hall of the Institute for Social Medicine (map below). Nonmembers are welcome, too!
News | 4. 10. 2004
SiNAPSA in the Media
Dear members,
although our largest project ended back in July, The Summer School on Cognitive Neuroscience of Working Memory and its "satellite", Symposium on Memory, have received some recent media attention.
In case you missed the published texts in the daily newspapers, you can look at the following links for the interview with Prof. Dr. Alan Baddley, "the Father" of working memory in Delo, and find out what was reported about the School, Symposium and Prof. Baddeley in Večer.
Best regards!
Event | 29. 9. 2004
The First Fall Seminar of SiNAPSA
Dr. Veronika Stoka from the Institute Jožef Štefan will open the fall season of SiNAPSA seminars with her presentation entitled "MECHANISMS OF ACTIVATION AND REGULATION OF THE INTRINSIC PATHWAY OF APOPTOSIS DURING BRAIN DEVELOPMENT AND AGEING". The seminar will take place on Friday, October 1st, at 14:00, at the old wooden lecture hall of the Institute for Social Medicine (see the map below).
For more information on Dr. Stoka and her work, please, see the attached file.
priponka: Dr Veronika Stoka.doc
Event | 14. 6. 2004
A morning lecture by Professor Stalberg - tomorrow
Prof. Stalberg from Upsala, Sweden, will give a talk on "Conventional needle EMG - Computer Simulation" on Tuesday, June 15th, at 8:00, at the Institute for Clinical Neurophysiology.
You are cordially invited to attend.
Announcement | 3. 6. 2004
Initiative for a Developmental Neurology Institute
A joint session of the Neurology coordinating committee of the Clinical Center and Medical School of Ljubljana, and SiNAPSA is planned for Tuesday, June 8th, at 3 p.m. in the Social Medicine Institute lecture hall.
The agenda is devoted to the presentation of the initiative for a Developmental Neurology Institute and the open discussion on the subject.
Your attendance and active participation at the meeting is welcome!
Event | 26. 5. 2004
Symposium on Memory
The Symposium on memory is an international event following Memos 2004, Cognitive Neuroscience Summer School on Working Memory. The aim of the event is twofold: first, to give the general public in the region an opportunity to listen to and meet with the faculty of Memos 2004 Summer School, all top researchers in the field of working memory; second, to provide the cognitive neuroscientists in Slovenia and neighbouring countries with an opportunity to present their research interests and endeavours and possibly set up new regional collaboration.
The simposium will be held at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
Please find further information at www.sinapsa.org/S04
Event | 15. 5. 2004
MORE Mobility for Young Researchers From Central and Eastern Europe
Kick-off event
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana
10.00 Opening, with welcome addresses/speeches by
a.. Prof. Dr. Vito Turk, Director Jozef Stefan Institute
b.. Prof. Dr. Drs. h.c. Helmut Schwarz, Vice-President of
the DeutscheForschungsgemeinschaft DFG
c.. Prof. Dr. Klaus Hahlbrock, former Vice-President of
the Max-Planck Gesellschaft
d.. Dr. Edvard Kobal, Director Slovenian Science
e.. Representative of Ministry of Education, Science and
11.20 Sebastian Stetter, EU liaison office of the German research organisations (Koordinierungsstelle EG der Wissenschaftsorganisationen - KoWi):
EU research funding programmes (Marie Curie)
12.00 Dr. Edvard Kobal, Slovenian Science Foundation:
Slovenian Science Foundation and mobility of Slovenian
12.40 Lunch break
13.40 Angelika Lange-Gao, Max-Planck Society:
Opportunities for young researches
14.20 Prof. Dr. Peter Krizan, Head of the Physics Department at the University of Ljubljana, Alumnus of the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation:
A researchers's insight into international mobility
14.40 Coffee break
15.00 Dr. Alice Rajewsky, German Research Foundation (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft - DFG):
Promoting Young Researchers in International Cooperation
15.40 Dr. Lidija Honzak:
Mobility for researchers - supported by Science and Education Foundation of the Republic of Slovenia 'Ad futura'
16.00 Reception
J. Stefan Institute, Jamova 39, SI-1000 Ljubljana
Phone: 01 426 42 45
Contact at KoWi
Sebastian Stetter
email: [email protected]
phone: 0032 2 5 48 02 14
This event is jointly organised by
a.. Jozef Stefan Institute
b.. Slovenian Science Foundation
c.. Koordinierungsstelle EG der
[Contributed by: dr. Damjan OSREDKAR, Children's Hospital, Vrazov trg 1, Ljubljana.
Event | 12. 4. 2004
SAZU Announces a Lecture by Its Correspondent Member
Prof. Dr. Anton Wernig, a correspondent member of the Slovene Academy of Science and Art, from the Medical School of the University in Bonn, Germany, will give a presentation entitled "Inteligent" spinal cord.
You are cordially invited this Wednesday at 5 p.m. to the SAZU lecture hall, at Novi trg 3/I in Ljubljana!
Event | 6. 4. 2004
Section for Clinical Neurophysiology Lecture
Prof. Vahe Amassian (State University of New York, Health Science Center at Brooklyn):
Lecture will take place in Lecture Hall IV, 1st Floor of University Medical Centre Ljubljana.
Event | 21. 1. 2004
SiNAPSA announces the second seminar in 2004
Dr. Paul Mohapel from the Wallenberg Neuroscience Center in Lund, Sweden, will give the following presentation: "Is hippocampal neurogenesis linked with learning and memory?"
Here is more information on Dr. Paul Mohapel.
The day is this Friday. The location is Institute of Pathofisiology, Zaloška 4. Welcome!
SiNAPSA Conferences
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '17
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '15
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '13
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '11
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '09
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Conference '07
SiNAPSA Neuroscience Symposium '05
SiNAPSA Symposium on Memory '04
Memos '04 Summer School
Past events, announcements and news
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