Toma Strle | 18. 6. 2012

What happens when neuroscience meets visual arts? How have insights into the living brain changed our understanding of the human condition and what influence do they have on artistic expression?

Talks, visual presentation and discussion on the crossroads between science and visual art

18:15 Opening words Prof. dr. Radovan Stanislav Pejovnik, rector of the University of Ljubljana, prof. dr. Markus Peschl, head of Cognitive Science Research Platform of the University of Vienna, study program director of MEi:CogSci Cognitive Science joint masters program.

18:30 Neurologist’s perspective: prof. dr. Zvezdan Pirtošek, Medical Faculty, University of Ljubljana History of attempts to look into the living human brain Beauty and decline of painters’ work when the brain is damaged

19:15 Visual artist’s perspective: prof. dr. Uršula Berlot, Academy of fine arts and design, University of Ljubljana Presentation of installations based on radiological images of artist’s own brain

20:00 Art historian’s perspective: prof. dr. Raphael Rosenberg, Faculty of Art History, University of Vienna The moving eye of the beholder: art literature versus empirical data

In the discussion we wish to enable cross-talk between various disciplines of cognitive science and even wider: a discussion between science and art.

Time and place:
Monday, 25th of June at 18:15 in the Seminarraum 1 (SR1) of the Institut für Kunstgeschichte, Universität Wien, Universitätscampus Hof 9, Spitalgasse 2, 1090. End time: approximately 21:00.

Entrance is free.

The event is organized in collaboration between University of Ljubljana, University of Vienna Cognitive Science Research Platform, Slovenian Culture and Information Centre Vienna (SKICA) and MEi:CogSci (Joint Master program in Cognitive Science).


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