Sinapsina nevroznanstvena konferenca '17

Andraž Matkovič | 9. 6. 2017

SiNAPSA, slovensko društvo za nevroznanost, skupaj z Medicinsko fakulteto UL, Slovenskim psihiatričnim združenjem in Krko organizira sedmo mednarodno nevroznanstveno konferenco, ki bo potekala med 29. in 30. septembrom na Medicinski fakulteti v Ljubljani. Ob osrednjem programu z osmimi simpoziji se bo odvila tudi strokovna delavnica o psihiatriji, temelječi na nevroznanosti, ter dve plenarni predavanji.

Vabimo vas, da oddate povzetek za predstavitev plakata. Zaželeni so prispevki z vseh področij nevroznanosti. Vljudno vas prosimo, da vabilo k prijavi pošljete tudi svojim kolegom in znancem širom sveta, saj bo tako program še bolj bogat.

Cene registracij so oblikovane tako, da spodbujajo prijavo mladih znanstvenikov in študentov, in bodo ostale nizke do 3. septembra. Zaželeno je, da se registrirate ob prijavi povzetka, saj povzetkov neregistriranih prijaviteljev ne bomo mogli vključiti v končni program.

Maja Bresjanac in Andraž Matkovič
v imenu programskega in organizacijskega odbora SNC’17

Slovenian Neuroscience Association, SiNAPSA, is joining forces with Faculty of Medicine UL, Slovenian Psychiatric Association and Krka in organizing its 7th biennial Neuroscience Conference (SNC’17) to take place on September 29 and 30, 2017 at the Faculty of Medicine in Ljubljana, Slovenia. We cordially invite you to consider submitting an abstract for presentation at the SNC’17 and join a diverse group of scientists already committed to attend and present their research in Ljubljana. Presentations in all fields of neuroscience and related disciplines are encouraged.

The call for abstracts is open. We kindly ask that you forward the invitation to submit an abstract for presentation at the SNC’17 to your colleagues and friends across the globe, as that will help us shape an even richer and more impactful scientific meeting.

To alleviate the financial burden of traveling to Slovenia, a small number of travel grants will be awarded to eligible researchers, who wish to present their work at the SNC’17. Please, note that the travel grant application deadline is June 20, 2017.

The registration fees for the SNC’17 have been shaped to stimulate attendance of junior staff with more limited resources, and will stay low until September 3, but we urge you to register at the time of abstract submission. Non-registered participants abstracts will not be included in the final programme.

Looking forward to welcoming you at the SNC’17!

Maja Bresjanac and Andraž Matkovič for the SNC’17 Programme and Organizing Committee

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